Cooper Anchors Australia
For Whatever Boat You Float
Cooper Anchors range are light weight, durable and suitable for all PWC, Standup Paddle Boards, Kayaks, Canoes, Small Boats, Tenders, Inflatable and boats to 6.5 meters, for exploring, diving, sailing, or fishing. Over the past few years Cooper Anchors have sold over 1 million anchors internationally and through thousands of stores worldwide. Warehousing our anchors internationally is now making our exports to the rest of the World faster and cheaper. The majority of these sales are from word of mouth, because Cooper Anchors really do work.
Getting The Best of Your Anchor
The holding power of any anchor is directly related to how deeply it sets and holds the sea bed. Most anchors on the market today are restricted by design to ploughing along near the surface of the sea bed and rarely, if ever disappear completely below the sea bed. Cooper Anchors very simple design with its weighted tip and straight streamline shank are designed to completely disappear below the sea bed and stay there even through wind and tide changes. The small area between the shank and the tip, (see diagram below) allow Cooper Anchors to change direction with less effort, especially during anchor retrieval. As the boat is pulled forward, over and above the anchor, the anchor rotates with the vertical pull and is easily retrieved.